martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

The construction of a new bridge has started in Desamparados City



Have you visited Desamparados lately? If your answer has been affirmative you have noticed that Desamparados is growing more and more and there are a lot needs and problems. Some of these problems are related to the transportation and the traffic jams.  The drivers who are coming from San Antonio or Patarra to Desamparados and the drivers who come from San Sebastian or Paso Ancho to Cartago have to go across Desamparados downtown and it brings traffic congestion almost all the time but those problems increase during the peak hours.

The number of traffic jaws and car accidents in the canton of Desamparados, located south of Costa Rica’s capital, has doubled in the past year and they are getting worse, according to a report released Monday by The Consejo Nacional de Vialidad (Conavi) Director German Valverde. The report states that fifteen thousand cars accidents occurred in Desamparados from Jan. 1 to Nov. 18, a figure surpassed only by the Central San José canton, at six thousand. Last year, Desamparados ranked fourth among Costa Rican cities with more traffic jams. That means the canton currently is second across the nation in terms of traffic congestion, surpassing San Jose.

It has been a problem during the past 10 years. The City government has a long list of things to do, however, according to the Mayor Maureen Fallas, she has made a lot of progress in Desamparados during her two administrations. (She has been the Mayor since 2010).

The construction of the bridge started eight months ago, and it is placed near Los Dorados and San Antonio. This project has been pending for ten years. It will bring a solution to the traffic problems. This bridge will have 22.5 meters long with capacity for two lanes. The local government has invested 200 million of colones in this project and it will be ready until December 2015. The Consejo Nacional de Vialidad (Conavi) estimates that 20 thousands vehicles will use this bridge daily.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi
    Here's your feedback:
    -Traffic jaws (jams)
    -Desamparados downtown (downtown Desamparados)
    -time but (time, but)
    -peak hours (more common to use "rush hour")
    -canton (county)
    -released Monday (on Monday)
    -cars accidents (car accidents)
    -Central San Jose canton (downtown San Jose district)
    -currently is (is currently)
    -, however, (; however,)
    -the traffic problems (traffic problems)
    -will have 22.5 meters long (will be)
    -until December (in December)
    -20 thousands vehicles (20.000 vehicles)
