domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015

An amazing trip

One of my happiest memories has to be when I was eleven and I took my backpack to travel with my friend Douglas from Limon to Talamanca. We decided to do that trip by ourselves. We wanted to be backpackers to travel free of schedules and also we had a month to complete the journey.

I met Douglas at the school and we were scouts from different units. We always did long trips and we loved to walk a lot, we used to walk together every day about 2 miles to get to our school. We walked that distance for 9 months and when decided to be backpackers we knew we had the physical condition to do it.

The first day of our vacation we spent the entire time planning the trip and searching for options to stay. We took a bus to Limon and from there we started to walk to Talamanca to find a Douglas’s friends who lived near Panama and he was a scout too.

The first day in Limon we spent the entire time in the ocean, we played cards and talked in the evening and that night we spent it in our tents near the beach.

The days after that we walked by hours near the beaches such as Cahuita and Puerto Viejo and Manzanilllo and we spent the nights there. Five days after that we left the beaches to start our journey to the mountain.

We walked by ten days to reach our goal; it was to find the house of Douglas’ friend in Talamanca near Panama.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi
    This is your feedback:
    -and when (we) decided to be backpackers ( , ) we knew we had the physical condition to do it.
    -to find a (omit a) Douglas’s friends
    -Douglas's (Douglas')
    -in the ocean, (. We) we played cards
    -we walked by (for) hours
    -We walked by (for) ten days
